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Undergraduates: Prospective Students, Applicants, and Newly Admitted Students

The Office of Admission assists all prospective undergraduate students, undergraduate applicants, and newly admitted undergraduate students with all of their registration and records, billing and payment, and financial aid questions up to the point of when new students receive the bill for their first semester.  Once bills are released, Canes Central becomes the direct point of contact for their questions or concerns.  Click here to access the Office of Admission's contact information.

Accelerated BSN: This excludes the Accelerated BSN (ABSN) program.  All ABSN students contact Canes Central.

UOnline Students

Students enrolled in the University’s online programs through UOnline should contact the UOnline program directly for most matters.  Financial aid matters should be directed to  All other matters should be directed to  Final UM transcript and diploma questions can be directed through our 5 Ways to Connect listed above.

5 Ways to Connect with Canes Central

Get Help With ... Online Self-Help

Access our robust knowledgebase of online self-help articles and search for the answers to your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by clicking the Get Help With … link above.

Walk In

Canes Central offices are located on the 1st Floor of the Harold Long Jr. and H.T. Smith Student Services Building on the Coral Gables campus.  Walk In hours are available from Monday - Friday (see below).

Submit a Case

If you are unable to find the right answers through our online self-help tools, follow the steps on the Submit a Case page to submit an inquiry to our team during normal business hours.


Speak live with one of our team members by calling (305) 284-IBIS (4247).  Our phone lines are open from Monday - Friday during the hours listed below.


Virtual appointments are available as needed and upon request.  Instead, we recommend you Submit a Case, select "Phone" as your "Preferred Method of Contact," and list available days and times for a conversation.  Note: We aim to pick up and respond to every case the next business day at the latest.

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Walk In Hours

Monday - Friday = 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Phone Hours

Monday - Friday = 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Cashier's Office Hours

Monday - Friday = 8:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Physical Address

1307 Stanford Drive
Harold Long Jr. and H.T. Smith Student Services Building
1st Floor
Coral Gables, FL  33146

P.O. Box

University of Miami
P.O. Box 025551
Location 20
Miami, FL  33102-5551

Academic Advisors / Faculty

As an academic advisor or faculty member, you have access to EAB/Navigate for your advisees and the students enrolled in your courses, respectively.  You can refer students directly to Canes Central and submit cases on their behalf by clicking on "Submit a Case" at the top of this site, selecting your designation, following the prompt to log into EAB/Navigate, selecting the student, and clicking the Canes Central Referral Form from the right side of their main student screen.  Simply enter their information and submit the referral to create a case with Canes Central.  This is the best method to submit any electronic requests to Canes Central.

If you do not have access to EAB/Navigate, please use the "UM Student Delegate/Proxy" selection on the "Submit a Case" link to submit a case with Canes Central on a student's behalf.
